
Friday, December 5, 2014

Miracle, is it?

After very hard life into country where is no law, no rights, and no official protecting, got strange, whole body bad feeling. Started to visit to meet doctors, but every one only checked me. First dr found dangerously high blood plessure, but don´t worry, we´ll check it. If it become higher, neurologist is near. It was 21st to february. 15th to july, last thing I´ll remember, was in drunk with bad feeling, throwed my high glass to the wall, started to walk to toilet, and nothing after. It was 6.50pm into saturday. Into next day, sunday probably my oldest child found me from toilet floor, without mind. He called ambulance, etc, emergency bring me to Meilahti hospital, where doctor checked my eyes turned to right side= ok, it´s soft unconscious. They left me to sleep. My sister Marja, very stubborn woman, didn´t give up, he called many times to accident hospital where is the best doctor into whole Finland, if he is not the best into whole world, Since monday, 17th to july, miracle doctor, Juha H. returned back to his work in Töölö hospital. He is general manager +  Juha H MD, PhD
Professor and Chairman of HUCH
Founding Member of World Academy of
Neurological Surgeons
Professor hc Burdenko Institute, Moscow

had work into whole day but he is so special thing in Finland, he is warm hearting human being! Marja asked him to take me to his hands and Juha accepted. Into evening he did this operation, about 8 hours, and inside of my right side of brain ARTERY, massive large blooding. I was clinic death few hours. Ok, 5 years was stupid, helpless and pretty hopeless, until found my motive to survive of everything= coffee+ cigarette. Now Juha can decide by himself, WHT DID HE DO WITH MY MASSIIVE BLOODING wht destroy my sound of voice, sense of balance and vocal cords. But of that, I need to get truth, was all these accidents into my head. But in every way, ONLY for JUHA´s warm heart+ humanity= I got impossible chance to update my whole life and change future way to be, hopefully, better and more positeve. THANK U, DEAR JUHA, FROM BOTTOM MY HEART! Photos: First is 2010 when learned to walk couple meters with walls, dood and furniture, last photo I took at 30th to novemer 204. For u, dear Juha! <3

Friday, October 3, 2014

Details about violent, part 1.

About circumcision, to boys and girls..
Boys r very small babies, when their parents give judgement to them, but girls grow up since about 6-9 years old before culture, parents or village give judgement to bring them to hospital, by circumcision. They start to understand already a little, but still they r so innocent, so clean children! Who can say truthfully he/ she feel some normal, warm feelings when they r adult+ ready to make home/ family, etc? To me, men explain how they r not so horny, they can give better and deeper enjoying to woman into sex ache, but it is directly the otherside! Men can't keep their hand out of me, their tongue come out of their mouth, etc and something uncredible! And women, for some reason they become fat, WHY? Every adult hope to feel wonderful feelings, warm, enjoyful, etc, but time after time, women and men can't get wht they hope, and wht we 100% human beings feel, men start to search other women, and women start to grow up their body. Cs their job is done directly after baby/ babies hv made.  WHY CAN'T ANY ONE OPEN THESE IDIOT MINDING PPL BRAINS+ MIND??!! These killers explain how coran, religion, etc, give order for it, but it is SATANS LIE!!Only wht I'll hope with this so strong hating feeling, is that IF nature wake ppl up, or then kill ALL OF US= we don't deserve to live!! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Welcome. And welgo, part 4

So, into tat way it is...
Just CAN'T understand or accept this endless torture! Many hundred years ago, maybe even thousand year ago, ONLY ONE family, one person, wrote book, coran. I'll believe it happened time after big war, so many husband and father, diet, wifes and mothers stayed to home with their children and without salary. Then some person patent to write book being, at first, advice, later ONLY order over law, over civilization, over humanity!! This ssatans tale book keep years after years, all ppl so blind, so leaf, so PROGRAMMED machine! Doctors r NOT human, yhey r wild beasts! Now my egyptian brothen is very worried c his, with his wife, 3 months old son, who was born by INNOCENT to this criminal book blindly following! But also doctor operated to baby boy, SATANS CIRCUMCISION!= baby become adult, no feelings, no enjoying of making love= programmed machine. And WHY??! This father didn't even suspect is that book wht, he judged own son to loose his humanity!And every man who wanna date with me (in Africa+ Arab countries) he don't understand meaning of hugging, being hand in hand, etc, ONLY sleep, work, eat and fully mechanic sex act. And they wait I can be same kind of as they! Ou satan, how I despise these blind one writer written book and every  parents r BAD! They teach own child/ children to follow book as blindly as teyselves! Live in this condition and try to be friendly and patient!? If u wanna try, check about this fairy tale book, come to Africa or to Arab countries and test, can u be as u'ld be. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

More about regular life in Finland, part 1

After returned to Finland, Vihti, asked privat helper to help me with my workdays. One company sounds the best so, called to owner/ chief woman, Anne L, aasked her to call disable officer in city office. Ok, we started and directly from beginning started to wondering, why every helper of mine, they was 3 women who changed to do this work from their work place in pass, to be like a little too much exiting with me. Why? Am hard to keep and excellent strong minding but still, WHY? Met Anne at beginning and was stupid cs believed her plans about helpers orders. She keep about 30 persons to work with severely disables. It´s hard work, harder by mindly, but from beginning Anne was away a lot, away from her office+ away from her mobile. Then new young woman into office of Anne, Marianne by her name, responsed my calls and told me: Anne is in her vacation. After many times, called as many times, and Marianne promised she´ll give my call requests to Anne, she called to me. Anne told me now she is away from her work cs sick, she´ll meet me into next week after her sick leave, but waited since over day Anne promised to meet me. Again called her, needed and still need helper work with me but women stopped their work with aml- service cs too uncertain work life. But Marianne answered me Anne is her vacation! Wht else Anne remember do then keep vacation?? How about we severely disables regulat days?? How about privat helpers work areas, orders, etc??THIS IS LIFE IN FINLAND! Fight, if u wanna survive of ur  days like normally health person! But how we could?! For example I hv large brain damage= I need to fight for myself AND for helpers! Is it direct, even by moral? Who can give sensible response to me+ to every disable in Finland? Thx, if u can.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2 positive things about Finland.

 After started to get into sharpe completely independetly, started to plan tattoos to remind me about my rude, bad and negative past with lot of violent with alcohol being finnish men of mine. It was 2009. After 7 tats in Helsinki, woodoo tattoo Pave, very good tattoist, found excellent professional tattoist in Karkkila, still in Finland, blackswantattoo and Janne Savolainen! He is the most of near the perfect tattoist. He ask me to explain wht kind of image I want. After told him a little, his fingers start to travel with pen, into paper. When will complete my reason to tattoo, he show me wht he drew, and when I see it, can ask him to fix ONLY couple small things. He tell me wht kind of colors is the best choose of exactly this story, and u all can look at these photos now. R these good or bad tattoos? Am happy of these and wish u all to visit in Karkkila, that small city in about 75 kilometers from Helsinki city center to north. WELCOME U ALL! Another positive thing in Finland is song artist Kaija Koo, she sing only by finnish but if u use translate= u´ll understand how much thing every song keep inside of it. I LOVE HER SONGS! Hope to both of them the best future, they deserve it! <3 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

More about Karviainen.

Need to tell u more about  of local government:
After was with this brainless doctor, at 9th to June 2014 and he could see only computer but no any listening about my symptomps, was very tired+ sick. Almost 1 year into whole time sick when my privat helper asked another doctor timetable to take me in. Now today, at last, was into meeting of young woman doc. SURPRISE! Doctor Jenna had/ have ears to listen patient, checked my body, my old mediticamment, etc. Only couple times checked from computer about my old sicknesses and mediticament into my dosetts. So, now met FIRST doctor who remember aliving human being= Jenna is her name. And even she could be my daughter, so young she is, but she put stuff to take exams, and all wht can do like basic!! After have been back in Finland to ask doctor help, with my privat helpers, Raili, Ninni and Veera, found this VALUABLE doctor!! THANK U, DEAR jENNA!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Police in Finland.

This IS polices work todays Finland: No work, but yes salary. Few examples from 1 person= me. 1, after got this dangerous and debiliting sickness, some one stole my all moneys into about 8 months time, stole my stuff at home and destroyed my name.  After started to get into sharpe, asked police investigation and police answered: U hv to search persons who all u suspect, then u need to find one who is guilty, and with this one person u´ll come to police office and we start to check condition. 2, When was into wrong reasons behind closed unit, called police to help me with law of Finland, police answered: The mental health act goes over police law. Asked: How about the first law in Finland country? Police: The mental health act walk also over this law, our hands r bound. Yes. 3, when was in Lohja, unit 1 into closed unit by homeless reason, understood at first that my interner modem disappear. Nurses tried to find it, nothing. After found flat+ opened my loggages, understood how much some one stole of these. Asked police to find these+ guilty, cs my loggages went directly to linen room, wht is always locked and only nurses hv keys to there. Police wanted only know wht was into my hand bag. Of course it was full cs travelled Egypt- Finland, so, nurses wrote up only vallet, no just any of very big loggage+ middle size another. Police complite investigation and aked me to make settlement argeement. Do I really hv to do so after MANY GOOD THINGS COULD DO WITH, IF HAD THESE??!! So, police is mobile service today= Welcome to european union!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My life in real Finland

1 true reason of many of these, why shame to be woman from Finland is this:
1 month bf started to return to Finland, asked via email of few city workers if they help me to find me home with furniture and privat helper, who is official right to severely disable= to me. Wht happened? At first: they wrote me by emal they start to do these immediatly after am in this country. When was in area of few small cities+ villages politician name Karviainen- area, to me happen many bad thing but also good things, also one social worker promised she´ll meet me after 3 days. Nothing happened over 3 weeks= this severely disable was behind psychiatrian closed unit by homeless and so alone. Was happy cs these, cs these psychiatrics took care of me, NOT disable officer in Karviainen. But cs doctors didn´t give up, Officers Sella+ Kaisa came to meet me and THEN they promised again start to find me home, privat helper and disables taxi card. After 1½ weeks, they put me to be 2 weeks in hotel, still alone, but excellen nurse Tuija took perfectly care of me, visited for me in super market, etc, and Kaisa told me, had to wait since they furnish this studio to me. Then came to this flat, furnished, she told me, and got schock! 1 small bed, 1 soffa, 2 carpets, 1 small bookcase and in kitchen was floppy coffee maker+ many things to eating. Into next day got concussion, still so alone.Many other bad things happened to me, thx to these satans workers who all explain they work via custom service! SHITS! Kaisa promised me, I buy end of furniture, social office buy to me. After did so+ bring all builts to her, she didn´t keep her words= was without money+ alone. <sella found at last orivat helper with few hours helping/ monthly. Lost my nervs, called them and told wht think about them, Sella gave me txi card a little earlier, and she talked with privat helper company manager Anne, who is wonderful person+ woman! All thx to her!! After their calling, 2 days later got doulpe way these hours their helping. I send schecking vestigation to social and healthly ministry ifthey check this asshole Karviainen and their lies, cheatings and under all humanity being working to me. So, lets wait wht happen in this MODERN, HIGH TECNOLOGIST COUNTRY where politics steale hundred thousands by every month from citizen who all pay and pay without getting any else then empty words= WELCOME TO FINLAND! If u haven´t be alone, in here u really r, no police, no human rights, yes paying.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Racism orthen noup updating part 1.

Sorry, forgot to tell all of u this special thing of Hosam, 47y old girl/ boy: Asked him bring me like gift 2 or 1 packett cigarettes, cs thought he get better salary then my benefict. But after he told me being beside me that he don´t hv money enough to buy even 1 packett these, started to get angry. Asked how much is his salary. Hosam told me 2000- 3000 euros/ monthly so, thought he is more rich then me with my monthly money wht is 618 euros, but cs he could buy me cigarettes= told him: Big surprise is that u r more poor then me! Am heavy smoker so need to buy wht will smoke. But cs u don´t hv money enough to buy, even bf middle on month, am more RICH THEN U! For some reason DESPISE MEN LIKE HIM! He thought he´ll drive to put empty his scrotum and go out= is it caring, is it liking, is it missing? Who can answer to me clearly? Thx.

Racism orthen noup... part 1.

 Really, though since today that am not racist, still wanna help African ppl BUT: For example my friend Hosam, 47y old turkish man who moved to Finland many years ago. Two years ago he started to wanna meet me. Into first meeting understood he is NOT clever or could listen wht woman say, into both time we met (I started to like him) we started to make love= both time he came before came inside of me. It´s ok, but also in both time after he put his clothes on, he ran away like a rabbit. Cs his friends need him, he told me into both time. When was in Egypt, Hosam started to scream me how he miss me, care of me and like me+ wanna meet me, but he can´t get couple holidays ( in Finland!!) and he don´t hv money enough to travel. Now when am back in Finland, he wrotr me all time in internet how he hope to meet me cs he like and miss me. Now today he came, yesterday he wrote me in badoo site that in Sello is inexpensive things wht need to buy, now he came to bring me to this big shop. He told he hv holiday so, asked visit in post wht is middle of our way. It was ok to him. After we came to his ca from post, he told me he can´t bring me to Sello today, he could in another day. Many times asked why this: u came to bring me to Sello so, we go now to there. Bf we came out of my home, he was closed to me, hugged and kissed me all time. Then I understood he want sex, but decided after visited in shop. He hadn´t time, his friends need him. So, wht else CAN I believe then he could be gay?! Twice he couldn´t make love with me+ his man friends r more important then woman he like. He cheated, lied and kep me all time like was his slave= he do everything into best way= his way. Every woman, be careful with this person/ thing name Hosam!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

About ozone..

now 1 true serious, with little bit of humor being, thing:
1 reason why an ozone is holes. all death souls of muslims, hindus and all who believe their souls travel close to allah. so, in there is already so many miljard soul that into zone became lot of wight by force. And of course, all time more passenger plan/ make trip to high on the heaven= more holes to ozone. Now we all know why end of earth come soon or later,  soft ozone can't stand with heavy souls with full of sin! Now all these ppl have to think more carefully if they don't want that earth destroyed cs they want to travel. Maybe they could find their allah from other side, perhaps even under the ozone= ppl who born after slaves of allah died, can survive a little bit of longer on the earth. Lets all hope so! 

welcome.. Orthen noup part 5

File:Abdul Fatah Khalil Al-Sisi 2013-03-03.jpgAm worried about Egypt so, after long time waiting, asked many men to help their own country but nothing happened, they only spoke, spoke and explained, desided to travel skull on the site and with my new friend, Tamer helping/ advice, we found ourselves in there, to the ministry of military and after Tamer spoke long time with soldier, asked in english: Who help us to go to room where  is Fattah Sisi? Hv to talk with him now. Soldier asked my passport, etc, and told me: u can't meet him today so, come back after next friday. Then u can meet him. The was monday. Tamer: Let go away now, we can't do more today. cs can't give up, NEveR, asked from soldier: Witch one is better to whole of military, this conversation with me and Sisi or,  big military of USA arrive to here? EU gave official permission already that USA can go and do all wht they hv to do in Egypt. Soldier looked at me for a moment and then he said something arabic, beckoning with his hand and we 3 walked to to one smaller room, like a half of living room. Soldier asked me to sit and then waited long time alone before Tamer came with another soldier. Tamer explained to me: This man is secretary of Sisi, he give u paper. Write ur message and he give it directly to sisi. Soldier told me: After will give ur message to Sisi, he'll take contact with u as soon as he read it. With Tamer help, gae my paper to secretary and he repeated his promise for take contact with me. Ok, will positive forward feeling we went out and returned to my home. After couple days, into evening walked on the street when saw few soldiers outside f white house. started to talk with one soldier, after few minits discuss, he promised that soon they'll visit to meet me, Sisi+ nearest soldiers. Into next day same soldiier, Ibrahim asked me. Can we come to meet u into next night? Yes u can. Then met ONLY ibrahim, etc and asked why Sisi don't come? He promised he'll do his best to bring his boss to meet me, he understood my message to his boss. Thought always, until few days ago understood that Sisi was GOOD soldier, who take care and protect egyptian citizen with his military, now found vikipedia, etc that Fattah Sisi is politician! Maybe u know that policy= Lying, stealing, cheating, hiding and explaining!! So, in sum, couldn't meet Sisi so, now these over 50 milion innocent ppl NEED help from some where, and cs own boss don't DO anything, only explaining and hiding= Egypt need military of another country to let them free, change to get salary and feet their family, etc, AT LAST!! Even whole Africa+ Arab countries ppl r manipulated from when every one was born, into every day from mosque coming screaming, about 5-10/ day and night this: ALLAH, ALLAH, ALLAH, and arabic. Don't understand words but msg is only: This hard and ugly manipulation go on since all ppl into whole earth r death. But to part of these ppl, allah is motiv to be better human being and stand middle of prbs, so I respect them and really hope that some, NON policy military help this country! After u read this, think with ur heart: Wht would u do if u had power to do all possible into world? Good night to all of u.