
Friday, December 5, 2014

Miracle, is it?

After very hard life into country where is no law, no rights, and no official protecting, got strange, whole body bad feeling. Started to visit to meet doctors, but every one only checked me. First dr found dangerously high blood plessure, but don´t worry, we´ll check it. If it become higher, neurologist is near. It was 21st to february. 15th to july, last thing I´ll remember, was in drunk with bad feeling, throwed my high glass to the wall, started to walk to toilet, and nothing after. It was 6.50pm into saturday. Into next day, sunday probably my oldest child found me from toilet floor, without mind. He called ambulance, etc, emergency bring me to Meilahti hospital, where doctor checked my eyes turned to right side= ok, it´s soft unconscious. They left me to sleep. My sister Marja, very stubborn woman, didn´t give up, he called many times to accident hospital where is the best doctor into whole Finland, if he is not the best into whole world, Since monday, 17th to july, miracle doctor, Juha H. returned back to his work in Töölö hospital. He is general manager +  Juha H MD, PhD
Professor and Chairman of HUCH
Founding Member of World Academy of
Neurological Surgeons
Professor hc Burdenko Institute, Moscow

had work into whole day but he is so special thing in Finland, he is warm hearting human being! Marja asked him to take me to his hands and Juha accepted. Into evening he did this operation, about 8 hours, and inside of my right side of brain ARTERY, massive large blooding. I was clinic death few hours. Ok, 5 years was stupid, helpless and pretty hopeless, until found my motive to survive of everything= coffee+ cigarette. Now Juha can decide by himself, WHT DID HE DO WITH MY MASSIIVE BLOODING wht destroy my sound of voice, sense of balance and vocal cords. But of that, I need to get truth, was all these accidents into my head. But in every way, ONLY for JUHA´s warm heart+ humanity= I got impossible chance to update my whole life and change future way to be, hopefully, better and more positeve. THANK U, DEAR JUHA, FROM BOTTOM MY HEART! Photos: First is 2010 when learned to walk couple meters with walls, dood and furniture, last photo I took at 30th to novemer 204. For u, dear Juha! <3