I have been trying to respect just every one without thinking age, weight, appearance, skin colour, born cultur or religion but now can't anymore. Lets start from other thing, same category still, being woman. WHY muslim man (all men) can play being god?! Was in Egypt and cause wanna/ need to know everything wht is possible, checked how all young muslim women, about 0-25years old r very often slim and keep pretty clothes, jeans, skirt, etc but every woman with child/ children is fat, walk with long dress, hands are hiding and headscarf? Asked it from one single man and he explained it to me, after him other men started to explane it and change it more small and soft thing but I DESERVE GOOD answer about my question to all muslim men:1, why muslim men can take 4 wife but muslim women can take only 1 husband in same time, and 2, how COULD men distroy every woman life before it start??! When (again) muslim child, girl generated and she (all girls) is small child, men, doctors, cuts her clitoris away so they distroy every changes to enjoy her (they) life when she grow up and make her to be ONLY household appliances and make children! So, young women wanna find good man, marry him and start to live with her husband and look forward to a child but how she can enjoy her life or married or wanna excite husband cause she can't feel that to all of us women example in EU, lust to her husband or to any man?! Wht else she can do, after children have been born, then be at home, cook, clean house, treat children AND eat, eat and eat? Simply reason why muslim women are fat. I can't respect muslim men anymore, one and big reason is, cause am woman AND human too. Is some one elsein the world, woman AND human? Wht u think now? When I heared it first time, I wanted to shut few men to be example into whole world but then I started to think that maybe is some where peaceful way to open this complicate way to life but where? Now in there from where I started this blog, mean what IS it to be woman in over the world.. Do women deserve to enjoy and feel deeply in our life and relations? In my mind, YES, OF COURSE! Not only men, we both. How can muslim woman enjoy, or some colder feelings woman do/feel it? Now read this carefully and tell this to all who need to know this: Even when women don't have clitoris where to begin a great pleassure, every woman have g-spot. Do u know where it is and how big can be the pleassure? My dearest sister Kaarina explaned it to me and we checked this from many ways and it's true: g-spot is locatedin the front of anal and if man caresses u thence, u can get so big orgasm that u can feel it like explosive. Doctors can explane this much better to u but now u KNOW the direct way to the enjoyment so let ur lover do this to u and enjoy of it, u deserve this!! Good night to every one, now I and Kaarina gave wink to all of u women change to ur whole life become to be much better and more crowded!
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