
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Being a woman barren details.

I have been trying to respect just every one without thinking age, weight, appearance, skin colour, born cultur or religion but now can't anymore. Lets start from other thing, same category still, being woman. WHY muslim man (all men) can play being god?! Was in Egypt and cause wanna/ need to know everything wht is possible, checked how all young muslim women, about 0-25years old r very often slim and keep pretty clothes, jeans, skirt, etc but every woman with child/ children is fat, walk with long dress, hands are hiding and headscarf? Asked it from one single man and he explained it to me, after him other men started to explane it and change it more small and soft thing but I DESERVE GOOD answer about my question to all muslim men:1, why muslim men can take 4 wife but muslim women can take only 1 husband in same time, and 2, how COULD men  distroy every woman life before it start??! When (again) muslim child, girl generated and she (all girls) is small child, men, doctors, cuts her clitoris away so they distroy every changes to enjoy her (they) life when she grow up and make her to be ONLY household appliances and make children! So, young women wanna find good man, marry him and start to live with her husband and look forward to a child  but how she can enjoy her life or married or wanna excite husband cause she can't feel that to all of us women example in EU, lust to her husband or to any man?! Wht else she can do, after children have been born, then be at home, cook, clean house, treat children AND eat, eat and eat? Simply reason why muslim women are fat. I can't respect muslim men anymore, one and big reason is, cause am woman AND human too. Is some one elsein the world, woman AND human? Wht u think now? When I heared it first time, I wanted to shut few men to be example into whole world but then I started to think that maybe is some where peaceful way to open this complicate way to life but where? Now in there from where I started this blog, mean what IS it to be woman in over the world.. Do women deserve to enjoy and feel deeply in our life and relations? In my mind, YES, OF COURSE! Not only men, we both. How can muslim woman enjoy, or some colder feelings woman do/feel it? Now read this carefully and tell this to all who need to know this: Even when women don't have clitoris where to begin a great pleassure, every woman have g-spot. Do u know where it is and how big can be the pleassure? My dearest sister Kaarina explaned it to me and we checked this from many ways and it's true: g-spot is locatedin the front of anal and if man caresses u thence, u can get so big orgasm that u can feel it like explosive. Doctors can explane this much better to u but now u KNOW the direct way to the enjoyment so let ur lover do this to u and enjoy of it, u deserve this!! Good night to every one, now I and Kaarina gave wink to all of u women change to ur whole life become to be much better and more crowded! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Details of my wonderful visit in Cairo.

Now I have 1 and half day to be in Cairo before my flight start and really must say this: The Canadian Hostel is better then many hotels in Europe and think am in Africa now so where am I??Am disable so hard to move.Tomorrow have been in this hostel 2 week and enjoy of every day, Examples:

Have to visit on the bank automat, machine don't give me money, in here is FEW hundred streets, don't know or remember street names so only ask from manager JimmyThat what can do now and Jimmy answer this: Wait a moment an in this shift being officer help u. Every time, wht ever need, go to super market, buy credit to mobile, etc,some officer will help and advise me. Wonderful, isn't it?! Every morning and when want drink coffee, lovely Madam Om Said brink these to me, do all wht I want or need and she smile always to me. She do morning shift so can say thank u to her many times and my heart smile with Madam Om Said.The Canadian Hostel's price belong wireless internet so Etisalaat couldn't sell good internet, Jimmy changed it cause NEED it, my computer didn't accept new web so officer Mido took cable from some offffice and gave it to me! Jimmy print my e-ticket wht without can't go to airplane, etc so every one: THINK carefully is this hostel or friendly, communicating, kindly and passion staff or is this even better then many smaller HOTELS in Europe??! Madam Om Said, Jimmy and Mido r gifts from life to world so every one: lets ENJOY of this wonderful gift!! Have to think that someday want and will come back to Egypt! Am soon 48y old and so old had to live in Finland before travelled to Egypt to meet communicating and smiling ppl! THANK U 3 ANGEL!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Kotiinpaluun ihana kamaluus.

On vinkeetä huomata miten suomesta ulomeno sujuu ongelmitta mutta annas olla kun lomailus loppuu ja otettuasi one way-lennon ku et ole varma oletko 2 päivää-5 viikkoa reissussa ja mikä tai mitkä valtiot käyt läpi ni johan pomppas! Tulin Kairossa tosi miellyttävään Canadian hostelliin odottamaan lentoa takas suomeen, on perjantai ja eläkkeen maksupäivä, menen pankkiautomaatille nostamaan rahaa, maksoin ma-la päivät (29.10-2.11-12), koitin ensin nettipankista katsoa tililleni mut koska pankin mulle lähettämissä vaihtuvista tunnuksista muutama on käyttökelvottomia+ yllätys! mulle sattui just perjantai olemaan sellanen päivä jolloin nettipankki kysyy kelvotonta tunnust! Noh, Kairossa ku oon enkä voi tehdä muuta ni yritin sihdata vanhoilla silmilläni numeroita mutku ei, kolmannen kerran jälkeen (tähän asti nettipankki on antanu 5 yritystä!?)kävin pyytämässä tosi miellyttävä nuorta johtajaa (on muuten ainoa johtaja, manager, aiempi blogi oli väärinymmärrys. Toiset kundit ovat työntekijöitä. In my previous blog was misunderstand, Jimmy is ONLY manager, other guys r worker)ja hän tottamooses auttoi mutku.. Pankki oli lukinnu tilini ja kehotti ottamaan yhteyttä tilikonttoriisi!? Miten otat ku et pääse kirjottaan viestiä nettipankkiin, Kairossa pe ja la on pyhiä eli pankit kiinni ja suomessa konttori oli jo sulkenu viikonlopuksi?? Ei muuta ku soittamaan lähetystöön ku en saatana saa käyttää omaa eläkettäni maksaakseni mm, matkani ei niin ihanaan kotisuomeen. Lähetystövirkailija ihme kyllä otti asiakseen koittaa auttaa minua, EKA lähetystö mis maissa oon käyny joka auttaa! Hän soitti siskolleni suomeen ja ihana, rakas Kaarina-siskoni Turussa otti asiakseen auttaa minua! Hän lainasi omistaan sen verran että voin jäädä tähän harvinaisen palvelualttiiseen Canadian hotelliin joka on mulle niin hyvä, ihmiset siis, ei rakennus, ja oottamaan maanantaita kaskun! Asun Turussa mutten saanu vaihdettua pankin konttoria pois Nmibiasta (lue: karkkilasta)nykyiseen kotikaupunkiini ja tyhmänä ajattelin reissun jälkeen koittaa uudelleen siirtää konttorin lähelle ni ni.. Pankki ei nytsit anna minun käyttää omia rahojani enneku todistan vaatimattoman olemukseni, mutta MITEN?? Ilman rahaa soittaen n, puolen tunnin jonotuksineen+ yhdistelemisineen? Lähettämällä viseti nettipankkiin joka on multa lukittu? Vaiko näyttäytymällä konttorissa todistamassa itseni koska konttori ei antanut siskolleni infoja minun tilistäni eli kävely ilman rahaa on ainoo vaihtoehto mutku... Pikkusen liikaa on matkaa kävelyllä Kairosta Turkuun Että PIKKUSEN VITUTTAA koko pankin järjetön mielivalta lukita tili, estää käteisnosto tai antaa infoja läsnäolevalle omaiselle!Nonniih,viikonlopun koitan levätä, Kaarina-siskoni on TODELLINEN ENKELI ja hän muisti minun kirjoittaneen hälle valtakirjan pankkiasioitten hoitoon, minä unohdin koko asian joten maanantaina hän menee taas pankkiin, tällä kertaa valtakirjan kans et jos saisin nettipankin auki ja rahani ihan ikiomaan käyttööni.Että rauhallista viikonloppua teille kaikille ja muistakaa, on ihana asia jos sulla on ees YKSI joka välittää susta tarpeeksi auttaakseen! Kaarinan ruumis on raihnainen kuten minunkin, silti hän tekee enemmän kuin kaikkensa auttaakseen minua palaamaan tähän persläpeen jota myös suomeksi haukutaan. Turku yksinään kuuluu ihan eri kategoriaan, sieltä löytyy palvelu ja ihminen- käsitteet. HUH, elämä on . . .

I came to Cairo true for a comfortable Canadian hostel to wait for a flight back to Finland, on Friday, and the payment of the pension, I go to the ATM, to raise the money, I paid Mon-Sat date (29.10-2.11-12), I tried the first online bank to look at my account but because the bank to me sent by the changing emblems few have been unusable + surprise! to me just happened to be a Friday dude a day when online banking will ask useless to recognize! Well, in Cairo ku oon I can not do anything in my I tried to sift the old eyes numbers but not, then a third time (up to now on-line banking has issued the 5 companies!?) I was asking really pleasant young leaders (otherwise the sole director, manager, previous blog was a misunderstanding . Some guys are workers. In my previous blog was misunderstand, Jimmy is ONLY the manager, other guys r worker), and his true Moses helped but .. The bank had locked my account and urged to contact the tilikonttoriisi !? How do you take ku embroidering you can not communicate online bank, in Cairo on Friday and Saturday is sacred, ie the banks closed and Finland office was already closed for the weekend ?? Does not change the call to the embassy ku ku I do not fucking get to use your own money to pay my pension mm, the trip not so wonderful home Print. The embassy clerk curiously took it upon himself to try to help me, FIRST Delegation in the countries in which the Norwegian käyny to help! She called my sister to Finnish and wonderful, dear Kaarina, Turku, my sister took it upon himself to help me! He borrowed theirs to the extent that I can stay in this exceptionally service-minded Canadian hotel that has me so good, people will, therefore, not the building, and waiting Monday anecdote! I live in Turku, but I saanu exchanged Bank branches off about Namibia (read: candy children) current to my hometown and stupid I thought after the trip to try again to move close to my office in my .. The Bank does not nowthen let me use my money before testify in their own humble of my being, but HOW ?? Without money playing, a half an hour queuing + to combine? By submitting viseti online bank which is a mold locked? Or is themsleves office witnessed myself because the office did not give my sister information sessions to me from my account, or walking without money is My only option but when ... pikkus too much at a distance walk from Cairo to Turku That littlepissed off the entire bank's absurd arbitrary lock your account, to prevent cash withdrawal or to provide information sessions to present within the discretion! Nonniih, weekend I'll try to rest, Kaarina, my sister is a REAL ANGEL and he remembered mine wrote a circumference of a power of attorney for the treatment of banking, I forgot the whole matter so that on Monday he will go back to the bank, this time a power of attorney with you if I could get online bank open my money to my very own using.That peaceful weekend for all of you, and remember, it is a wonderful thing if you have a even ONE who cares enough to help about u! Kaarina body is decrepit like mine, he still makes more than everything possible to help me to return to this asshole which is also Finnish barked at. Turku itself is a completely different category, there can be found in service and concepts of human origin. HUH, life is. . .

Thursday, November 1, 2012

One short period in my life.

Thought in Finland that cs wanna live as long as possible and as full life as possible so why can't try to visit in Africa, some where if some one can advise me. Found  from internet wikipedia texts from Egypt, modern country with very old cultur so then decided to try it and wht happened?! First was in Alexandria, alone being woman from Finland so too many tried to protect me, women most of. Was example in room behind locked room and couldn't go out to walk, etc. Then came to Cairo in where my net friend Ehab and I met and he found this hostel from internet. Ok, after first night on morning one lovely madam bring me breakfast (with or without brakfast and wanted with it) and after it went out from my door being little amazed already. In Greece hostel don't use example carpets but poor Africa, Egypt and Cairo or in Cairo being Canadian Hostel use these. Peaceful colours, tall and soft carpets in many places where customers can be. Service is like deluxe, many times some officer ask: u need something else? Or: can I help u more?Even when u go to airport, Canadian Hostel have car and driver who drive u from Hostel to the airport, about one hour driving and it cost 75EGP. With Ehab we tlked that he send 1 of my loggage to Fin so don't have to carry so much heavy loggages cause am disable. Ehab and his room mate r real ANGELS to me! They r trustworthy, honest and smiling young woman, Yasmeen and young man, Ehab. In Canadian hostel r 3 managers, this is wht Jimmy told me: Jimmy, 23 years old, Mohamed, 22 years old and  Mido is 24 years old  and fourth young man, Khalifa is 20 years old is really nice ppl in the Canadian Hostel.Everysecond, when u need something, u can call to reception and one of these lovely young men ask: how can I help u? So u CAN feel u r like a queen or king in here! Wht else can say then: If u can be bold and travel to Cairo, Downtown once, u wanna do this same other time, other time and other time. I go but want to say to all of u: Welcome to Canadian Hostel, Downtown, Cairo, Egypt!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Going back to Finland

I will go back to my sister in a few days. This is how it looked a few days ago when the first snow arrived to her home in Southern-Finland.