Welcome... Orthen noup, part 3
When I came to Urghada, first hotel manager took me inside on his wings so, he have been my saving angel Mohamed. Otherwise, WHO is honest in here, Egypt?! First owner of flat wht rented, wanted to take me his business partner, etc, soon started to come explainings wht kind of sex he, MARRIED man, want with me, piss games and nauh'ghty things. For some reason told him: Nope. Then this Hostein started to put his cousin to marry me. If I buy at first car him so he can bring us food from super market, etc. Moved away and after came to Hadaba, Came this internet problem. One man, Tarek, helped me and soon he told me with small english, he love me and wanna marry me.Lived in ground floor with windows open, so Tarek started to come inn from window by morning nights, when was sleeeeep, came over me and kissed as long as lost my control and took into my hand some thing and: If u don't go to hell right now, will beat u with this! He went away and soon came back, always by 1.00-3.00am. In same time neighbour wantede to take me his sister so, he could be my brother Mohamed diver.After got this knee joint fracked, wht came for Tarek, diver found me woman to help cs Nile-hospital put heavy geps without sticks or any, so locked to bed over 2 weeks! Felt my life is over now, orthopedict wanted to make half replaicment but its very expensive, even I have bad osteoporosis.Diver bring me doctor Foda, who change soft and small geps so started to jump with walking machine but needed help.Then this woman, Diana stole me, after it diver asked 300EGP since 2 weeks later he bring it back AND he sell my dog and will give in same time also 500EGP to me. Tarek friend, young Ramadan became to my dear friend, waladi, soon. Papa Romany, my flat owner, sked his young neighbour, Mohamed Salah, to find me flat. Mohmed did so, helped me to move, put my stuffs lik HIS places, not mine and started to keep my money into his pocket, etc. Mohamed told me, he like me and wanna help me, to his friend (waladi) Ramadhan he told, am his business. I didn't know it, now will know BETTER! When I started to want my money back, nothing was to him, he told me, he bought food to me. HALLELUJAA! About, MINIMUM 800EGP-1200EGP is still with Mohamed Salah, + mobile. After him, in super market man with dog called to his friend, Tharwat, to help me and food at home. Tharwat did so, ask me to trust egyptian ppl, I gave him 100EGP to bring mediticament from pharmacy. Young Abdullah came also and told me to call him if need some. New home doorman Hany, took man to destroy mosq2uitos, and stand next to me this first time. Building owner _Mina is right minding and christian man. I started to check all this.. Diver= not 800EGP. Mohamed Salah= stole me about 1000EGP and tried to tell that papa Romany want 600GP from me (NEVER). I didn't give this money to Mohamed Salah. Tharwat= Haven't bring mediticament or money, don't even answer my calls. Ramadhan, business man, explain to me: Mohamed Salah help u! Yes, he help me to loose money, THX Ramadhan. Abdullah also took 100EGP to mediticament, he is away and sometimes answer, tell me always that tomorrow hw'll come to Urghada. And bonus is: Second time this mosquitos destroyer came alone. Am disable with 1 leg and walking machine so, can't run after. Shouted to -Hany, he didn't come. Called to Tharwat, he translated how this man is at work bla bla blah, so I let him inn and he went to bed room, came out with running and told me only: five minits. Started to suspect him and went to bed room, NO laptop anymore! How I can respect any egyptian man anymore? I HATE THEM!!! Of course they take disable, or old, sick person from who they take the end of wht we have!! Was in policw station, they ONLY can write reports (their only work IS write) So, cs don't have law or any, do I hv many choises wht will start to do and to who? Any one, DON'T come to Urghada, or to whole Egypt!!
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