Got sickness and no one could find wht is wrong in Egypt so, thought will move to Athens if find home to stay and get help.. Surprise, it didn't happen wht I was hope, other side, yes. Before moved to Athens, found one good flat and we started to make deal that I come to this flat. Owner, Thanasis Lingos told me, he go to Kreta now friday and will return into monday. Into next monday couldn't go to internnet cause this flat owner, Hosem, closed access point but I thought Thanasis came back to Athens and wait that I come as told him earlier. Bought my ticket, flight was tuesday morning, was in Athens airport about mid day, came to international youth hostel where only in reseption is wifi, couldn't make connect with my laptop so asked worker in reseption, Tilemahos, to open my internet connect but he desided that am druck user and started to insult me. Am disable but do it give right to insult in this way? After night, desided to find more friendly hostel and nose to way Zeus hostel. In there was/ is positive air, guys r friendly and helpful, and visit in this hostel was first positive thing in Greece. One greek man, Vaggelis from Kythira, told me: come here, u can sleep in room behind my coffee bar and day after u r in here, will show u flat. Ok, bought taxies, ferry and was next to Vaggelis. At first, he spoke english enough, next morning he could say only: problem, problem, and I understood that everything was a lie. But, next ferry back to Athens sail after 3 days so, wht can I do? Nothing. At last could come again to Athens and with new and good fried, Agis, we drove to Psgration Athens youth hostel. Stairs r hard to move in and out but after we was inside, young woman, worker Myriam, told me/ us about hostel days and soon was in room alone, with my loggages. After few days, cs Thanasis didn't find monday to come back from Kreta, didn't have any other place to stay and every day lost money to taxi, hostel, hospital, tc, so Myriam told me, she called to some commune who take care of ppl in every categories. Myriam made her best to get help for my secret sickness, and I travelled in there, commune . Doctor checked my lab papers, told me to go to the next office in same commune, 10 minits walking wht doctor told me, was 2 hours and after it, with taxi cs my legs didn't work any. From the second office to third office and they r just horrible ppl!! They was like I was dirty, bad animal and in mobile coulld hear Myriam angry voice.But got nothing, came on the street and back to agration Athes youth hostel, where r 2 angels, Myriam and greek client, young woman/ angel Helen. They take care of me, Helen gave me soft tasting tea, Myriam cooked healhtly food to me, etc so I can really say honestly that 2 young ladies R angels to me! But otherwise, welgo to hell from Greece, this is official way today.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
1 esimerkki suomalaisuudesta. 1 example about finnish ppl.
Millainen pelkuri tyttö on suomalainen mies? Vastaus:
wallu kiinnostui minusta, halusi tuntea minut paremmin mutta kun hän PELKÄÄ niin kovin omaa varjoaankin niin ei voinut näyttää päivitettyä kasvokuvaansa joten kehoitin häntä tulemaan skypeen kertoen nimeni, yms, hänelle. Oliko yllätys ettei wallu löytänyt minua? Ei ollut, suomalainen oli päiväkodissa kun aivoja jaettiin. Lähetin wallulle kontaktipyynnön, ja otimme skypepuhelun. Tapasin elävän anteeksipyynnön (mailien vaihdossa näkyi asiaakin mukana) joka oli alkoholin vaikutuksen alainen, ei paljon mutta mutta, joka ihmetteli kuka ja mikä minä olen? Olin alusasu päälläni kun oli niin lämmin ja kotona olin, joten hän sai nähdä rintaliivini+ tatuointini, juttelimme ja kun kysyin häneltä äänestäni, joka on hiukan erilainen, onko ääneni miehen vai naisen, niin tämä pelkuri-tyttö, wallu EI OSANNUT SANOA!? Koko ajan katsoen kamerasta vartaloni yläosaa! Ja tämä tyttölapsi (wallu w) kirkuu lehdissä kun samassa kaupungissa oli joku murhannut lapsen. Osaanottoni menetyksen kokeneille mutta ONKO JÄRKEVÄÄ kirkua pahuudesta joka on päivittäistä ja joka kylässä? Joten siis, ymmärrän paremmin wallun tatuoinnit, hänellä on äitiä niin kova ikävä! Nyt hän on yksin maailmalla, peloissaan eikä tiedä miten ottaisi elämänsä omiin käsiinsä. Ehkä hänen äitinsä jaksaa tytärtään (wallua) auttaa, TOIVON TODELLA NIIN!
Wht kind of girl is finnish man? Answer:
wallu intersted of me, he wanted to know me more but cause he afraid even his own shadow, told him my skype name, etc. Was it SURPRISE that he couldn't find me? No, it wasn't, finnish person was into kindergarden when brains divided. Sent contact request to wallu and then we called, I met alive apology (was reflected in the exchange of miles asiaakin included) who was under the influence of alcohol, but not a lot, but who wondered who and what I am? I was wearing underwear when it was so warm and I was at home, so he got to see my tattoo bra +, we talked, and when I asked him, my voice, which is a bit different, whether a man or a woman's voice, so this is a coward, girl, Wallu could not say!? All the while, the camera view, the top of my body! And this girl child (Wallu w) screams newspapers in the same city was someone murdered the child. Osaanottoni experienced a loss, but whether it makes sense to scream evil, which is updated daily, and in every village? So, therefore, I understand better Wallu tattoos, she has a mother so hard nasty! Now he is alone in the world, scared and does not know how to take their lives into their own hands. Maybe her mother keep her daughter (Wallu) help, I sure hope so!
wallu kiinnostui minusta, halusi tuntea minut paremmin mutta kun hän PELKÄÄ niin kovin omaa varjoaankin niin ei voinut näyttää päivitettyä kasvokuvaansa joten kehoitin häntä tulemaan skypeen kertoen nimeni, yms, hänelle. Oliko yllätys ettei wallu löytänyt minua? Ei ollut, suomalainen oli päiväkodissa kun aivoja jaettiin. Lähetin wallulle kontaktipyynnön, ja otimme skypepuhelun. Tapasin elävän anteeksipyynnön (mailien vaihdossa näkyi asiaakin mukana) joka oli alkoholin vaikutuksen alainen, ei paljon mutta mutta, joka ihmetteli kuka ja mikä minä olen? Olin alusasu päälläni kun oli niin lämmin ja kotona olin, joten hän sai nähdä rintaliivini+ tatuointini, juttelimme ja kun kysyin häneltä äänestäni, joka on hiukan erilainen, onko ääneni miehen vai naisen, niin tämä pelkuri-tyttö, wallu EI OSANNUT SANOA!? Koko ajan katsoen kamerasta vartaloni yläosaa! Ja tämä tyttölapsi (wallu w) kirkuu lehdissä kun samassa kaupungissa oli joku murhannut lapsen. Osaanottoni menetyksen kokeneille mutta ONKO JÄRKEVÄÄ kirkua pahuudesta joka on päivittäistä ja joka kylässä? Joten siis, ymmärrän paremmin wallun tatuoinnit, hänellä on äitiä niin kova ikävä! Nyt hän on yksin maailmalla, peloissaan eikä tiedä miten ottaisi elämänsä omiin käsiinsä. Ehkä hänen äitinsä jaksaa tytärtään (wallua) auttaa, TOIVON TODELLA NIIN!
Wht kind of girl is finnish man? Answer:
wallu intersted of me, he wanted to know me more but cause he afraid even his own shadow, told him my skype name, etc. Was it SURPRISE that he couldn't find me? No, it wasn't, finnish person was into kindergarden when brains divided. Sent contact request to wallu and then we called, I met alive apology (was reflected in the exchange of miles asiaakin included) who was under the influence of alcohol, but not a lot, but who wondered who and what I am? I was wearing underwear when it was so warm and I was at home, so he got to see my tattoo bra +, we talked, and when I asked him, my voice, which is a bit different, whether a man or a woman's voice, so this is a coward, girl, Wallu could not say!? All the while, the camera view, the top of my body! And this girl child (Wallu w) screams newspapers in the same city was someone murdered the child. Osaanottoni experienced a loss, but whether it makes sense to scream evil, which is updated daily, and in every village? So, therefore, I understand better Wallu tattoos, she has a mother so hard nasty! Now he is alone in the world, scared and does not know how to take their lives into their own hands. Maybe her mother keep her daughter (Wallu) help, I sure hope so!
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