
Friday, April 1, 2022

         My wink to all companies bosses into every countries!

What's the matter of you all millionaire owners of companies?! Especially about passengers of trains, busses, ferries, and flights??!! You don't want money anymore? Then how you got those before of this time of evil parasites of elite? Now all of clients with full headed and minded are NOT alloyed to move from- to anywhere of what many of us having into our law book. Or have you wanted join to mass murderer group and to elite? Have one in some country where ever found ONE official lorona-corona diagnosis signed by doctor? We MUST see copy of it, also you need to confirming your decision against of proved truth and law! ONLY media's from every of countries have been as parrot servants of corrupted elite members and those servant parrots learned to repeat repeat and repeat! And you started believe of same words by written and heard!? When and to how you lost your own mind?? How many have got killed by injection? How many fighting long term in hospital for injection? And you rich people want kill more of us and get us to hospitals for sopping payments to your company! = you can't be as human being, right? How whole of covid rumor stopped immediately to big bad lie about crisis in Ukraina? If you return back to your humanity, stabile condition and find out why Russia accepted help request to Donbass and went to destroy all of usa's elite's owned virus and bacteria laboratories from Ukraina to protect all of people whole of the earth if possible, or you want destroying more of human being mass? Are you stupid or only hungry for money? I saved now to all of you about REAL corona which have been long, long time as racket game. Now over 2 years repeated game is ugly, cheated and lied version, NOTHING other.

Friday, February 26, 2021

        this information is just for you!

Do you understand now about your condition in your home city and home country? How about your family, do they understand it? You, and we all in every countries, have wanted live in peace, and have accepted everything quite easily. Now which happening will arriving us? Have you got all of true information with warnings before you'll decide to way or another? Why you haven't? Why you still believe of public media's nonstop repeating about something invisible? Something which haven't ever got anything as provement, ONLY same rumor repeating? Do you wanna take your full own responsibility about everything in your life back, or you wanna still follow corrupted media's with governments decisions about your health, your life? Now is last time to you for thinking carefully and quickly!

Of which you'll afraid now and so badly? Too many of governments wanna set peoples in countries against of each others, why? Have you ever heard or read, about reducing citizens into the earth? elite from usa have plan whole of this story of evil. To get billions us dollars for owners of medical companies and mass murdering to every where, Why you accept it? Where is your freedom? You remember about your grand parents whom died to get their children independed country to grown with it. You like to repeat their hard, heavy job to your children? Because now you need to understand THIS: people whom don't die for vaccination of corona game, governments set us against of each others, then plan of elite will happening perfectly.

THIS IS OUR CORONA FEVER! You still afraid of it? usa's citizens please, that country belong, like in ever wher, TO PEOPLE, not to politics or general managers! When you'll get time to protect your home country in moment it will need to happen, you have to choose: activating, or still passive? Am sad for you, because my wise mom was child into second world war season, and she teached me to respect my personal freedom to accept or refuse public, also private, things, and have choose also to find out, as much of elite in california monte rio road with their 120 tears working plan about dictator into whole of the earth., than about truth of corona. I found answers to both.
Just you can do your best and join to similar, awaking, people and take your home country back to yourselves with peace, at least! You can do it, really, if you'll start to use again of your common sense, and totally cut lie media's nonstop repeating. Are you ready for this, most important and valuable to every one''s life, job? It need to do ONLY once! Thumbs up and let's go, ok?! I love and respect every one of you who's are bold enough to protect your freedom!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

What's the matter of you?! part 1

 Am originally from Finland, but now few years have live part of years, summertimes, in Finland, wintertimes in Egypt, and don't know anymore from where am. Why? Exactly I din't know. Or do I? Last time, decided will never return to Egypt anymore, arrived to Jakarta and directly my heart, tired to the end being, told me I have to go on my way until to Hurghada. Now am again in Dahar, and my heart relaxed. But also it put me to be sad.. Because, Hurghada is real tourism city, but where are tourists? And why? Have anyone enough clear answer? Because I know, probably largest part of reasons why parasites into every countries, blackmail and threaten of people. How those can do so? Because we all in every, almost, country, CAN'T choise our biggest boss, president, but some other people have choise already for many ten years, and still choise, more and more bold and insolent, and we all are so foolish that we don't understand it. If you opened your eyes, more important, your brains, start to check about this: Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre virgin redwood grove in Northern California, 75 miles north of San Francisco

 Then you can go on you nightmare with this:
What happened to you now? Why all those 'war refugees' arrive around to europe, also to Africa, and in Asia something have happen to currency, like also in Egypt.  About it, you need to read more:
ONLY from the wall street sharing computer game about every country currency, is with some bohemian asshole with half dick fingers job. He press buttons in keyboard and that country people got hurt. And he enjoy alot, because he, like all others in that ranch, don't have even dick to get own enjoyful moment, he/ they have had to find it with given suffering to millions people. And their plan is what it is, but their need to kill 95% of whole earth people, and put the end of people being as their slaves= reason to cia who made work contract with guys in isis, al horam, al qaida, etc. I don't remember everything, eather because can only deeply despise those! But you can, better you was, to check carefully how over you have jump for years and years. You have been from the day of your bith, slave of them.  I have paid much of those bastards, lost my life but thanks of neurosurgerian professor Juha H, he bring me back to life. To arrive here, friendly country and friendly city, where so many only wait for tourists to give us advices, sell souvenirs, safaris,  clothes, also those greatful women dresses, etc, but why they'll wait for nothing? Why you don't come to here? Are you stupid, severely disable (am, but still arrive to Hurghada), politics parasite, or do you afraid? Of what? Of this, wonderful dress? Do it eat you?

These dresses, like everything, is so much cheaper in Egypt, that why don't you test it? Hotels have wait you to visit in here, so much you cutted only by being donkey. You proud of youself? I almost despise you for this. I think you understand it.First photo is from my visiting to home of  egyptian beloved women, in Luxor, and there is this beautiful, peaceful, and exotic Arabia restourant. Almost empty, thanks of yours. Inside of two weeks, will return to Luxor, to meet again hardly beloved Mama, and visit also with she, in Karnak- temple. When you'll understand to follow me/ us? This was excellent way to you, to bridge the gap in education. If you ask from your mom to give one plastic bag of boldness, you can do IT, OUJEE! Hilton Plaza hotel, for example, is beautiful area with beach, is empty like others. We all are guilties for it! Egyptians are ready to offer you everything, from clothes of children, to lamps, ashtrays, cars, everything. And you can check about prices, for example via google. 

Totally I hope, from bottom my heart, that you shame of yourself and only test was your lesson from parents and friends, true or lie. My heart feel to be at home, so I don't have choises, do you have? And because your parasite group, covernment told you, in Egypt is war, etc, how I CAN be alive? How we was with my friend Hassan and his son, into the beach, without military, without police?? Video about our trip, arrive to you after learn to use this thing, or Hassan come to help me with it. Hope you'll update your thoughts, forget those bastards with half dick, and join me in Hurghada.. Thank you. 
Olen alunperin Suomesta, mutta nyt muutaman viime vuoden olen elänyt, kesäajat Suomessa, talviajat Egyptissä, enkä tiedä enää mistä olen kotoisin. Miksen? Kun en tarkasti sitä tiedä. Vai tiedänkö? Viime kerralla päätin, etten ikinä enää palaa Egyptiin, mutta saavuttuani Jakartaan sydämeni, loppouun väsynyt, ilmoitti minun jatkavan matkaani Hurghadaan asti. Nyt olen taas Daharissa, ja sydämeni rentoutui. Mutta se, sydämeni, pisti minut suremaan, mutta miksi? Koska Hurghada on turistikaupunki, mutta missä ovat turistit? Miksi? Tietääkö kukaan syytä? Koska minä tiedän ainakin sasyyllisen, loiset, jotka joka maassa kiristävät ja uhkailevat kansaa- miten ne voivat tehdä sitä? . Koska me kansat joka maassa valitsemme aina uudelleen suurimman pomon, presidentin, mutta eräät toiset ovat todella valinneet presidentit vuosikausia, aina vain rohkeammin ja julkeammin. Ja olemmeko typeriiä, ettemme huomaa mitään? Jos avasit silmäsi, ja tärkeämpää, aivosi, tässä on sinulle hiukan luettavaa tiedoksesi: Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre virgin redwood grove in Northern California, 75 miles north of San Francisco
 Sitten voitkin jatkaa painajaistasi lukemalla tästä:
Mitä sinulle tapahtui nyt? Miksi kaikki nuo 'sotapakolaiset' saapuvat eurooppaan, Afrikkaan, Aasiassa on jotain tapahtunut valuutalle. Kuten on ainakin myös Egyptissä. Siitä, mitä on tapahtunut, sinun täytyy lukea hiukan  täältä:
VAIN wall streetin jakava tietokone peli on eräiden bohemian ryhmän puolimunaisen persesilmän sormista lähtenyt. Hän painelee näppäimiä ja kansa eri maissa, saa kipeää. Ja hän nauttii. Koska ei hän, kuten ei muutkaan maatilalla majailevat, omista edes mulkkua millä saisi nautinnon, siksi hänen/ heidän täytyi löytää keino nautintoon aiheuttamalla kärsimystä miljoonille ihmisille. Ja heidän suunnitelmansa, mikä se on, on tappaa n, 95% maapallon väestöstä, ja asettaa loput heidän orjikseen= he panivat cian tekemään työsopimukset kundien kanssa, niin isis:in, kuin al horamin, al qaidan, jne, kanssa. En muista kaikkea, varsinkaan koska voin vain syvästi halveksi noita olioita!  Mutta sinä voit, parempi olisi, ja ymmärtää miten ylitsesi on kuljettu vuosikausia. Se ylikulkeminen on alkanut synnyinpäivänäsi, ja sinusta tuli jo silloin heidän orjansa. Minä olen maksanut kovan hinnan niistä loisista, myös elämäni. Mutta neurokirugi Juha HJ, palautti minut takaisin elämään. Saapumaan tänne, ystävälliseen maahan, ystävälliseen kaupunkiin. Jossa asukkaat ovat vuosia vain odottaneet palvellakseen turisteja, myydäkseen heille safarimatkoja, matkamuistoja, vaatteita, myös kauniita naisten leninkejä. Mutta miksi he odottavat tyhjää? Mikset tule Egyptiin? Oletko tyhmä, vaikeavammainen (minä olen mutta tulin silti Hurghadaan), poliittinen loinen, vai pelkäätkö sinä? Mitä? Tätäkö yllä olevaa, leninkiä? Syökö se sinut? Nämä vaatteet, kuten kaikki muukin, on niin paljon halvempaa Egyptissä, että mikset testaisi asiaa? Hotellit täällä odottavat sinua tulemaan, mutta et tule koska olet aasi. Oletko ylpeä itsestäsi? Koska minä lähes halveksin sinua siksi. Uskon että ymmärrät mitä tarkoitan. Ensimmäinen kuva on vierailultani rakastettujen egyptiläisten naisten luokse Luxoriin, jossa yhdessä kävimme kauniissa, rauhallisessa, eksoottisessa ravintola Arabiassa. Paikka oli lähes tyhjä, kiitos sinun. Kahden viikon sisällä palaan Luxoriin, missä käyn, myös kovasti rakastetun ystäväni Maman, kanssa ainakin Karnak- temppelissä. Milloin ymmärrät seurata meitä? Olisi erinomainen kohta paikata aukko sivistyksessäsi. Jos pyydät äitiäsi antamaan sinulle muovikassillisen rohkeutta, pystyt tekemän SEN, OUJEE! Esimerkiksi Hilton Plaza hotelli, rauhallinen ja kaunis alue rannalla (kuva), on lähes tyhjä kuten muutkin. Me olemme syyllisiä siihen! Egyptiläiset ovat valmiina myymään sinulle mitä tahansa, lastenvaatteista tuhkakuppiin, lamppuihin, jopa auton voit ostaa, ja todella paljon halvemmalla. 'Voit tarkistaa asiaa vaikka googlettamalla. Toivon sydämeni pohjasta sinun katuvan typeryyttäsi uskoa kaikki opit, mitä vanhempasi ja ystäväsi, sinulle jakoivat, ja testaa itse, onko tämä totta vai valhetta. Sydämeni tuntee olevansa kotona, joten onko minulla vaihtoehtoja? Onko sinulla? Ja koska loisrymä hallituksessa ilmoitti Egyptissä olevan sota, ym, kuinka olen vielä elossa? Miten olimme ystäväni Hassanin, sekä poikansa kanssa, rannalla ilman armeijaa? Jopa ilman poliisiakin? Videoita tästä reissusta haluisin jakaa mutta pitää ensin oppiä käyttämään tätä sivua videon kanssa, tai odotettava kunnes Hassan käy taas kylässä luonani. Toivon että päivität ajatuksesi, unohdat loisten paskapuheet, ja liityt seuraani Hurghadassa. Kiitos.